Kingman & Oatman

 This town name was named kingman commemorating the person who contributed to the construction of the railway.
And he died in an accident.                            

 Such a building is in a lot of towns
Is it a grain tank or a water service tank?

 Here is a town crowded with the gold rush in the 1910's.In both sides of the road of about 200m, there was a souvenir shop.
It looks like the western set. It's the Tsumagojuku if it says in Japan.
There are a lot of tourists in a small town. The population is about 300 people.

 Please give me the carrot.!
The carrot is sold in that shop.

 In old times,a donkey had carried a pack..Now,the donkey lives on the road.
They are making to the wild, but it's obedient and lovely.
We seem to step on their excrement. However, it is not felt dirty because it is dry.
There was a hotel where Clark Cable and Carol Lombard had stayed at the honeymoon.
